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2008-09-08 - 12:41 p.m.

I've been feeling very truthy recently.

The night where I get asked out by the girl I claim has captured my heart, only to tell her "You are the best of a bad lot, but you're not good enough for me."

That is a terrible thing to say, but the more and more I live the more and more I realize that there are certain girls who are absolutely perfect, and some who just don't cut it.

I have been spoiled with girls.. despite normally being shy and not traditionally 'hot' I have had too many amazing girls like me, and I have taken advantage of them far too often.

Last night I smiled when she asked, and lowered my head, and said, "No." and "You're not going to like what I say." and then went home alone and had a dog lick my face.


If you break up with somebody, and then get back together with them, and then break up again, DO NOT GET BACK TOGETHER WITH THEM. God damn, nothing is going to change. You are going to wind up crying even more, and you are better than that.


I am going to get a post office box.


Still no internet.


I'm never going to be satisfied, and I hate it.

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