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2012-12-01 - 4:04 a.m.

A topic came up whilst having breakfast with a friend the other day, and it has stuck with me a bit.

Personal flaws.

I asked her to tell me hers, and naturally after she asked me the same thing. The only answer I could come up with is my easilyfrustratedness. I get frustrated when people are fickle (make plans and change them often), I get frustrated when people don't know simple facts, I get frustrated with people who do simple actions poorly. Maybe I expect too much of humanity, but I am frustrated quite often.

I haven't really been able to come up with any other personal flaws. One of the things that frustrates me is when people can see something in themselves that is undesirable (by their own standards) and just won't change it.

In the seventh grade, at a table full of people, one of my friends told me I should chew with my mouth closed. It wasn't something I had ever felt was a problem, it wasn't something I had ever even noticed in myself. But that one situation, that one sentence, made me self-aware of something that I could fix. And so I did.

I want to find my flaws.

[ Who - Whom - Old - Host ]
I'm not saying I'm perfect... but I'm defensible