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2012-10-19 - 7:36 a.m.

Part One of The story of San Diego leading into I now live in Taiwan

I found the hostel in June of 2009, about five days after my failed* attempt to bicycle up the Pacific Coast. For those five days I sat in a coffee shop looking for jobs and wandered the beaches and slept on the rocks. I didn�t know anything about the part of San Diego I was in. I didn�t realize the area I was hanging out in was about seven blocks away from the main street of Ocean Beach. Until one day I did. Until I went walking in the right direction one day and found a place that had warm showers and was cheap. Luckily I still had my student ID (nobody can check in without showing recent international travel or valid school ID) and managed to canoodle my way into the most life changing situations I�ve ever been apart of.

*Yes failed, but I don�t feel bad because I found a book about three months later in which the preface (which you can read in the Amazon preview) explains why you should NOT do that trip from south to north. In fact it�s pretty much plain stupid to do it from south to north.

Looking back at the entries from those first few months I don't know why I never looked up this entry's bridge signs to see why they were there. I guess I always half thought I imagined them. But it turns out they were for a different Matt altogether.

[ Who - Whom - Old - Host ]
Single in San Diego